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The Honorable President Joe Biden
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500

The Honorable Vice President Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500

The Honorable Anthony Blinken
U.S. Secretary of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20037

The Honorable Alejandro Mayorkas
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
301 7th Street SW
Washington, DC 20024

27 avril 2021

Re : Refonte du TPS pour Haïti

Cher Président Biden, Vice-Président Harris, Secrétaire Blinken et Secrétaire Mayorkas :

Aujourd’hui, les organisations soussignées demandent que l’administration Biden redéfinisse immédiatement le statut de protection temporaire («TPS») pour Haïti en raison des conditions extraordinaires et temporaires actuelles. Avec un président de plus en plus autoritaire qui gouverne de manière inconstitutionnelle sans parlement depuis plus d’un an, affirmant maintenant que son mandat s’étend jusqu’en janvier 2022, et avec des manifestations quotidiennes bien suivies en réponse, la situation politique est instable, fragile et extrêmement dangereuse. L’administration Trump a tenté de mettre fin au TPS pour les Haïtiens, dont beaucoup ont été en première ligne pendant la pandémie de coronavirus à faire avancer les États-Unis en tant que travailleurs de la santé et soignants, travailleurs des transports et travailleurs agricoles. Il est impératif que l’administration Biden corrige les choses et redéfinisse immédiatement le statut de TPS pour Haïti.

Lors de sa campagne électorale en 2020, le candidat de l’époque Joe Biden a visité «Little Haiti» à Miami, en Floride, et a promis que le TPS serait garanti pour tous les Haïtiens. Biden a ajouté: «Il n’y aura pas d’arrêt de ma part en tant que président, m’assurant que la communauté haïtienne a une chance égale de se remettre sur pied et d’aller dans cette direction pour être en mesure de réaliser son incroyable potentiel.» Il a également dit: «Je vous promets, je vous donne mes paroles que je serai là, je serai avec vous…»

Quatre ans plus tôt, le président Donald Trump avait promis d’être un champion de la communauté haïtienne lors de sa campagne électorale en 2016, mais a rapidement rompu sa promesse lorsqu’il a pris ses fonctions. En 2018, il a qualifié Haïti de «pays de merde», puis a mis fin au TPS pour les Haïtiens malgré les preuves de son propre département d’État selon lesquelles Haïti n’était pas prêt à recevoir 56000 déportés en raison des conditions désastreuses et de la crise de santé publique à la suite du tremblement de terre de 2010, l’ouragan Matthew et une épidémie de choléra provoquée par les soldats de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies. Un tribunal du district fédéral de New York a estimé que la décision de l’administration Trump de mettre fin au TPS pour les Haïtiens était «influencée par les motivations politiques des responsables de la Maison Blanche» pour «ignorer les directives statutaires» et «réduire les immigrants non blancs dans le pays». (Voir Saget c. Trump) Grâce à cette affaire et Ramos c. Nielsen, le TPS pour les Haïtiens a été prolongé jusqu’au 4 octobre 2021.

Le moment est venu pour le président Biden de tenir ses promesses à la communauté haïtienne et de désavouer les politiques sectaires, racistes et discriminatoires de Trump, qui incluent la refonte du TPS. Depuis 2018, les troubles et les troubles politiques à l’échelle nationale se sont détériorés. En janvier 2020, les mandats de tous les parlementaires sauf 10 et de tous les maires ont pris fin en raison du retard des élections, laissant le président Jovenel Moïse diriger le pays sans contrôle législatif et en violation de la Constitution haïtienne. Alors que les constitutionnalistes, l’organe de contrôle judiciaire, les barreaux et des centaines de milliers de manifestants dans les rues affirment que le mandat du président Moise a pris fin le 7 février 2021, le président Moïse a refusé de démissionner.

Selon le Rapport mondial 2021 de Human Rights Watch, Haïti connaît actuellement l’une des pires flambées de violence depuis des décennies. Les Haïtiens de tous âges sont confrontés à de puissants gangs qui gouvernent en toute impunité et dans certains cas avec la complicité du gouvernement. L’absence d’état de droit rend également difficile la responsabilisation des responsables de la violence toujours croissante. En conséquence, le gouvernement ne fonctionne pas pour répondre même aux besoins les plus élémentaires de ses citoyens. Les femmes et les filles sont aujourd’hui particulièrement vulnérables à la violence sexiste, car la violence politique croissante et la faiblesse du système juridique favorisent une impunité généralisée. Haïti souffre également d’une insécurité alimentaire extrême. Comme l’a rapporté Human Rights Watch, «Selon les agences internationales, quelque 4,1 millions d’Haïtiens – plus d’un tiers – vivent dans l’insécurité alimentaire et 2,1 pour cent des enfants souffrent de malnutrition sévère.»

Tous ces facteurs récents atteignent le niveau des conditions extraordinaires et temporaires dont Haïti devra se remettre. Le TPS peut promouvoir le redressement, le développement et la stabilité régionale en préservant et en augmentant le flux des envois de fonds vers Haïti et directement dans les poches des personnes qui peuvent utiliser l’argent pour la nourriture, les soins de santé, le logement, l’éducation et d’autres besoins de base qui aideront à réduire les flux de migration. Les envois de fonds dépassent l’aide étrangère et représentent une part substantielle du PIB d’Haïti.

Comme Rose, une infirmière praticienne familiale d’Haïti qui a travaillé sur les lignes de front de la pandémie de COVID-19 et elle-même testée positive pour le COVID-19, dit, pour les titulaires actuels de TPS, «La peur et l’anxiété sont toujours à l’arrière-plan, que je pourrais soudainement quitter ma maison. Je vis aux États-Unis depuis 20 ans, depuis l’âge de 17 ans. Le TPS m’a permis d’obtenir mon diplôme de premier cycle et de maîtrise en sciences infirmières. J’adore mon travail, j’aime servir la communauté du Rhode Island. »

Compte tenu des conditions extraordinaires et temporaires actuelles, nous exhortons l’administration Biden-Harris à briser le cycle raciste laissé par l’administration Trump et à redéfinir immédiatement le TPS pour Haiti.


Ron Klain, White House Chief of Staff

Ambassador Susan Rice, Director of the Domestic Policy Council

Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor 3


1. Sahra Abdi, Executive Director, United Women of East Africa Support Team

2. Frank A. Accime, Senior Pastor, Philadelphia Haitian Baptist Church

3. Cécile Accilien, Board Member, Haitian Studies Association

4. Shirleen Achieng, Founder, Immigrant Advocacy Network

5. Remi Adesokan, Social Analyst, Haitian American

6. Evelyn Sanchez Aguilar, Chair, SAFIRE

7. Dilkhwaz Ahmed, License to Freedom

8. Mizue Aizeki, Executive Director, Immigrant Defense Project

9. Heidi Altman, Policy Director, National Immigrant Justice Center

10. Tatyana Ali, Actress and Singer

11. Kevin Al Perez, President, Somos Familia Valle

12. Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at, Africans Deserve Reparations Now

13. Erika Andiola, Chief Advocacy Officer, Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)

14. Ireshah André, Manager, Reach Beyond Relief

15. Joanne Antoine, Executive Director, Common Cause Maryland

16. Varnel Antoine, Director, True Alliance Center Inc

17. Donald Anthonyson, Executive Director, Families for Freedom

18. Nebraska Appleseed

19. Gabrielle Apollon, Haiti Project Co-Director, Washington Square Legal Services

20. James Winston Ardoin, Operations Intern, Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti

21. Sulma Arias, Director of Immigrant Rights, Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM)

22. Ronnate Asirwatham, Director of Government Relations, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

23. S. Assante, Haiti Advocacy Working Group

24. Gabrielle Aurel, President & Chief Executive Officer, Sonje Ayiti Organization

25. Hunter Austin, Black Alliance For Peace

26. Daniel Zwickel ben Avrám, Owner,

27. Jared Ball, Black Alliance for Peace

28. Juliana Barnet, Director, Protect Our Activists

29. Chelsea Bartholomew, Solutions Specialist, Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG)

30. Fatmata Barrie, Owner & Attorney, The Barrie Law Center; Founder – Black Diaspora Voices

31. Marleine Bastien, Executive Director, Family Action Network Movement (FANM)

32. Adam Beddawi. Policy Manager, National Network of Arab American Communities (NNAAC)

33. Daniel Beers, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Justice Studies, James Madison University

34. Pabitra Benjamin, Executive Director, Adhikaar

35. David Bennion, Executive Director, Free Migration Project

36. Kathleen Bergin, Adjunct Professor, Cornell Law School

37. D’Shawna Bernard


38. Rev. Myrna Bernadel-Huey, Pastor, Buena Vista United Methodist Church

39. Kayo Beshir, Multicultural Organizer, Tennessee Immigrants & Refugee Rights Coalition

40. Pooja Bhatia, Writer

41. Alizeh Bhojani, Immigration Policy Manager, OneAmerica

42. Roger E. Biamby, Chair, Haitians United for Progress, Inc.

43. Désirée Bianchi, CODEPINK

44. Sister Dominica Lo Bianco, Director of Hispanic Ministry, Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia

45. Anthony Gad Bigio, Professor, George Washington University

46. Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (BLMP)

47. Katrina Bleckley, Staff Immigration Attorney, Haitian Bridge Alliance

48. Blaine Bookey, Legal Director, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies

49. Joe N. Bradley, Black Alliance for Peace

50. Bryan K. Bullock, Attorney & Adjunct Professor, Indiana University Northwest

51. Charisse Burden-Stelly, Black Alliance for Peace

52. Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO of Faith in Public Life, Faith in Public Life

53. Jill Marie Bussey, Director for Public Policy, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

54. Bonnie Marie Benson

55. Laurie Benson, Founder / President, Madres e Hijos

56. Lyndon Berleus, Policy Director, Chantlyn World Wide Logistics,Inc.

57. Garcelle Beauvais, Actress

58. Diana Bohn, Co-Coordinator, Nicaragua Center for Community Action

59. Melissa Bond, Clinical Psychology Fellow, UCSF

60. Karen Bouwer, French Professor, University of San Francisco

61. Irene Brisson, Lecturer, University of Michigan

62. Michael Breen, President & CEO, Human Rights First

63. Clayola Brown, National President, A. Philip Randolph Institute

64. Bradford E. Brown PhD

65. Julia Brown, Advocacy and Outreach Director, Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project

66. Angenor Brutus, Coordinator, Groupe d’Appui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés (GARR)

67. Margaret Boles, Member, The Haiti Committee at Holy Family Catholic Church of Mitchellville

68. Amelia Burgess, MD, MPH, Sage Prairie Clinic

69. Daniella Burgi-Palomino, Co-Director, Latin America Working Group (LAWG)

70. Blake Burr, Core Member, Vecindarios 901

71. Michelle Buteau, Actress and Comedian

72. Community Justice Project

73. Erica Caines, Coordinating Committee Member, Black Alliance For Peace

74. Anel Calixte, Owner, Radio Planet Grand’Anse

75. Noemi Calonje, Immigration Project Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights

76. Bridget Cambria, Executive Director, Aldea – The People’s Justice Center

77. F X Martín del Campo, President, South Florida Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (SF-LCLAA)

78. Eduardo Canales, Executive Director, South Texas Human Rights Center


79. Cindy Candia, Co-Founder, Angry Tias and Abuelas of the RGV

80. Antonia Canero, President, Canero Immigration Law

81. Paulina Olvera Cáñez, Executive Director, Espacio Migrante

82. Thomas H Cartwright, Leadership, Witness at the Border

83. Camille Frederic Celenice, Law Office of Camille Celenice

84. Johnny Celestin, Forum Haïtien Pour la Paix et le Développement Durable

85. Johnny Celestin, Spokesperson-USA, Defend Haiti’s Democracy

86. Oscar Chacon, Executive Director, Alianza Americas

87. Francoise Cham

88. Ramsey Champagne, Founder, LMHC, M.Ed., Culture Change Project

89. Nadjejda Chapoteau, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Community Powerhouse Consulting and Coaching, LLC

90. Eugenia Charles, Coordinator, Rasanbleman Haytien Konsyan and Executive Director, Fondasyon Mapou

91. Rev. Wilguymps Charles, Pastor, Evangelical Baptist Church of the Redeemed

92. Joseph Cherubin, President, The Socio-Cultural Movement of Haitian Workers (MOSCTHA)

93. Ralph Cheriz, CEO, The Cheriza Group, LLC

94. Richardson Chery, Policy Director, Projectelev8

95. Mr. Convington Chery, Executive Director, Simalo Empowerment Group

96. Karen Civil, Chief Executive Officer, Always Civil Enterprise

97. Carlina Shimizu Chung, Student, University of San Francisco

98. Reginald Clairville

99. Jill Clark-Gollub, Member, Friends of Latin America

100. Natacha Jeanne Clerger, Councillor-at-Large for Randolph, Massachusetts

101. Karina Ambartsoumian-Clough, Executive Director, United Stateless

102. Jim Clune, President, Broome County Peace Action

103. Dylan Corbett, Executive Director, Hope Border Institute

104. Lupita Colon, Attorney, Law Office of Lupita Colon

105. Janvieve Williams Comrie, Executive Director, Afroresistance

106. Brian E. Concannon, Executive Director, Project Blueprint

107. Margaret Conley, Director, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team

108. Sr. Patricia Connolly, Therapist, Daughters of Charity

109. Holly Cooper, Co-Director, UC Davis Immigration Law Clinic

110. Sarah Cordova, Haitian Studies Association

111. Carol I Moeller Costa, Treasurer, MITF

112. Robert Cotter, Policy Analyst, Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights

113. Claudia R. Cubas, Litigation Director, Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition

114. Cameroon American Council

115. Conchita Cruz, Co-Executive Director, Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP)

116. Edwidge Danticat

117. Annie Darrow, President, Darrow Autism Advocates

118. Sister Colleen Dauerbach, Social Justice Coordinator, Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA


119. Marlene L. Daut, Scholar, Professor of American and African Diaspora Studies

120. Lynda DeLoach, Black Alliance for Peace

121. Anne-Marie Debbané, Alliance in Defense of Black Immigrants

122. Apostle Dr. Fayola Delica, Founder/President/Pastor, Revive Your Soul Ministries, Inc.

123. Santra Denis, President & Founder, Avanse Ansanm and Executive Director, Miami Workers Center

124. Gina Desir, Empower to aspire INC.

125. Arianna de Ona, SVP of Human Resources and General Counsel, Costa Farms

126. Sister Jo’Ann De Quattro, Member, Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary

127. Jim De Quattro, Co-director, UPLIFT Haiti, Inc.

128. Hudes Desrameaux, Community Advocate,

129. Alix Desulme, Chair, National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON)

130. Myrtha Désulmé, President, The Haiti-Jamaica Society

131. David Diggs, Executive Director & Co-Founder, Beyond Borders

132. Rev. Phillip Dieke, Associate Pastor, White Rock UMC

133. Terry Diggory, Co-Coordinator, Saratoga Immigration Coalition

134. Wyatt Dickerson, Student, University of San Francisco

135. Sister Patricia Dillon, member, Religious of Jesus and Mary, USA-Haiti Province

136. Rebecca Dixon, Executive Director, National Employment Law Project

137. Nathan H. Dize, Ph.D

138. W. Yusef Doucet, Joko Collective

139. Sandy Dorsainvil, Immediate Past Chair, Haitian American Professionals Coalition

140. Maureen Duignan, Executive Director, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant and Vice-Chair, Haiti Emergency Relief Fund

141. Ricot Dupuy, Station Director, Radio Soleil

142. Erin L. Durban, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota

143. Dr. Derethia DuVal, Priority Africa Network

144. Robert Russell Dyk, Member, Refugee Action Fund

145. M. Earle

146. Jeannie Economos, Health and Safety Project Coordinator, Farmworker Association of Florida

147. Beneco Enecia, Executive Director, Centro de Desarrollo Sostenible (CEDESO)

148. John Engle, Co-Director, Haiti Partners

149. Ana Espino, Executive Director, Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice

150. Nicole Estrada, Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA)

151. Laura Esquivel, Vice President Federal Policy, Hispanic Federation

152. Ancito Etienne, Board Member, Beyond Borders

153. Heureuse Etienne, Coordinator, Philadelphia Haitian Baptist Church

154. Pierre Etienne, HADIC

155. Daniel Eugene, Director, American & Haitian Economic Alliance for Development

156. Dale Ewart, Executive Vice President, 1199SEIU, Florida Region


157. Adam Fernandez, Vice President of Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG)

158. Enrique L. Fernandez, Vice-President, Immigration, Diversity and Civil Rights, Unite Here

159. Ada Ferrer, Professor of History, New York University

160. Sister Patricia Ferrick, School Sisters of Notre Dame

161. Jennifer Ferrigno, Co-Director, National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights

162. Felicity Figueroa, Chair, Orange County Equality Coalition

163. Ana and Allan Fisher, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador

164. Arlene Flaherty, Director, Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Atlantic-Midwest Province

165. Dieufort Fleurissaint, President, True Alliance, Inc.

166. Elise Florence Finielz, Cornell University

167. Andrea Flores, Digital Organizer, America’s Voice

168. Leonardo Flores, Latin America Campaign Coordinator, CODEPINK

169. Patrice Florvilus, Director, Collectif d’Avocats Spécialisés en Litige Stratégique de Droits Humains (CALSDH)

170. Susaanti Follingstad, Core Organizer, Sanctuary DMV

171. Steve Forester, Immigration Policy Coordinator, Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti

172. Cristiana Luis Francisca, President, Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico-Haitianas (MUDHA)

173. Marisa Franco, National Director, Mijente

174. Joshua Francois, Research Fellow, Harvard University School of Medicine

175. R. Andrew Free, #DetentionKills

176. Netfa Freeman, Organizer, Pan-African Community Action (PACA)

177. Dina Friedman, Jewish Activists for Immigration Justice of Western Massachusetts

178. Julia Gaffield, Associate Professor of History, Georgia State University

179. Esteban Garces, Co-Executive Director, Poder Latinx

180. Jordan Garcia, Program Director, American Friends Service Committee, Colorado

181. Laurie Woodward Garcia, Co-leader, Broward for Progress

182. Marisa Limón Garza, Deputy Director, Hope Border Institute

183. Alicia Garza, Principal, Black to the Future Action Fund

184. Anna Gallagher, Executive Director, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.

185. Danielle Legros Georges, Director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing, Lesley University

186. Julie Gersten, Executive Director, Refugee Action Fund

187. Malick W. Ghachem, Associate Professor of History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

188. Setareh Ghandehari, Advocacy Director, Detention Watch Network

189. Geneva Gist, Spanish Language Lead, Respond Crisis Translation

190. Patricia A Goggin


191. Aaron Goldberg, Musician

192. Olivia Golden, Executive Director, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)

193. Evelyn Gonzalez, Counselor, Montgomery College

194. Catherine Gonzalez, Senior Staff Attorney & Policy Counsel, Brooklyn Defender Services

195. Sergio Gonzales, Executive Director, Immigration Hub

196. April Gore, Community Organizer, New York Day of Remembrance Committee

197. Josh Goralski, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Unlocking Communities

198. Noah Gottschalk, Global Policy Lead, Oxfam America

199. Mindy Grall

200. Gustavus D Griffin, Coordinator, Boys to Men

201. Thomas M. Griffin, Immigration Attorney, Surin & Griffin PC

202. Marion Grimes, Mercy Focus on Haiti

203. Jenny Grobelski, Supervisory Attorney, Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors

204. Samara Grossman, Clinical Social Worker

205. Monica Grycz, St. Mary Magdalene Parish

206. Susan Gunn, Director, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns

207. Jorge Gutierrez, Executive Director, Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement

208. Maricela Gutierrez, Executive Director, Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN)

209. Haitian Americans United Inc

210. Tom Haigh, Treasurer, Minnesota Interfaith Coalition on Immigrantion

211. Joy Hardy, Government Relations Assistant, American Immigration Lawyers Association

212. Helgaleena, AD, White Rabbit Grove RDNA

213. Peter Hallward, Professor of Philosophy, Kingston University

214. Rev. Jimmie R. Hawkins, Director, Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of Public Witness and the Ministry at the United Nations

215. Andrea Healy, Volunteer, Mercy Focus on Haiti

216. Karla Hernandez-Mats, President, United Teachers of Dade

217. Roberto Herrera, Director of Organizing, Resilience Orange County

218. Anna Hey, Deputy Executive Director, Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc.

219. Kip Austin Hinton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

220. Rachel Hobbs, Student at George Mason University

221. Joan Hodges-Wu, Founder & Executive Director, AsylumWorks

222. Karen Hoffmann, Attorney, Syrena Law

223. Dale V.C. Holness, Broward County District 9 Commissioner/FY 2020 Mayor

224. Bill Holston, Executive Director, Human Rights Initiative of North Texas

225. Seft Hunter, Director of Black Led Organizing & Power Building, Community Change Action

226. Serge Hyacinthe, Director, Affinity Group, LLC


227. Peniel Ibe, Policy Engagement Coordinator, American Friends Service Committee

228. Diego Iñiguez-López, Policy and Campaigns Manager, National Partnership for New Americans

229. Barbara Lopez, Make the Road Connecticut

230. Kim Ives, Journalist, Haiti Liberté

231. Louise Ivers, Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School

232. Veena Iyer, Executive Director, Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota

233. Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., Founder & President, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition

234. Candace Jean, Attorney

235. Esther Jeon, National Organizing and Advocacy Manager, National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC)

236. Carine Jocelyn, Founder, The Haitian Women’s Collective and Chief Executive Officer, Diaspora Community Services

237. Beverly John, Talking Drum Incorporated

238. Sara John, Executive Director, St. Louis Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America

239. Kyndelle M Johnson, Black Alliance for Peace

240. Jake Johnston, Senior Research Associate, Center for Economic and Policy Research

241. Jordan Jones, Black Alliance for Peace

242. Claudine Joseph, COO, LL COOL J Inc

243. Louis Harold Joseph, Executive Director, Haiti Vital Records Express LLC

244. Dotie Joseph, State Representative, Florida House of Representatives

245. Michael Joseph, Esq., Commissioner, City of North Miami Beach, FL

246. Vanessa Joseph, Esq., Chairwoman, Haitian-American Voter Empowerment (HAVE) Coalition

247. Anu Joshi, Vice President of Policy, New York Immigration Coalition

248. Guerline Jozef, Co-founder and Executive Director, Haitian Bridge Alliance

249. Frandley Julien, Principal, Law Offices of Frandley D Julien, PA

250. Nao Kabashima, Executive Director, Karen Organization of San Diego

251. Michelle Karshan, Executive Director, Li Li Li! Read

252. Amaha Kassa, Executive Director, African Communities Together

253. Nadine Duplessy Kearns, Chair, Haitian Ladies Network

254. Robert Keenan, Marketing and PR Manager, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

255. Frances Kelley, Volunteer, Louisiana Advocates for Immigrants in Detention

256. Deborah Kline, Executive Director, Cleveland Jobs with Justice

257. Lisa Knox, Legal Director, CA Collaborative for Immigrant Justice

258. Neil D. Kolner, Law Office of Michael D. Ray

259. Beth Kontos, President, American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts

260. Karl Kramer, Campaign Director, NorCal TPS Coalition

261. Ryan Krause, Law Student, Cardozo University School of Law

262. Ira J. Kurzban, Kurzban, Kurzban, Weinger, Tetzeli & Pratt, P.A, Chairperson, Immigrants List Civic Action Inc.


263. Dawn Kwan

264. Annie Lai, Co-Director, University of California Irvine Law Immigrant Rights Clinic

265. Magalis Troncoso Lama, Executive Director, Dominican Development Center, Inc.

266. Kim Lamberty, Director, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Office Stuart Center

267. Sabine Lamour, Coordonnatrice générale, SOFA

268. Grace Landers, Student, University of San Francisco

269. Joan Laney, Memphis United Methodist Immigrant Relief

270. Geri E Lanham, Country Director, Mercy Beyond Borders

271. Marguerite Lathan, Board Member, Fonkoze USA

272. Axelle Latortue, Education Consultant

273. Marie Flore Lindor Latortue, President, AEDAP

274. Patrice Lawrence, Co-Director, UndocuBlack Network

275. Joshua Leach, Public Policy and Communications Strategist, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

276. Deborah Lee, Executive Director, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity

277. Elizabeth Lee, Volunteer, MAWO

278. Bruce Lesley, President, First Focus on Children

279. Rabbi Joshua Lesser, President, Bridges Faith Initiative

280. Rochenel Marc, President, R&M Institute & Financial Group

281. Anna Marie Lesutis RSM RN, Member, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

282. Natasha Lightfoot, Associate Professor, Columbia University Department of History

283. Cheryl Little, Executive Director, Americans for Immigrant Justice

284. Ivan Lomeli, Immigrant Justice Fellow, Orange County Rapid Response Network

285. Elena Lorac, Coordinadora Nacional, Movimiento Reconocido

286. Raynald Louis, Radio Kajou

287. Carline Louis, Caline Collections

288. Martha Louise Schmidt, Co-chair, Human Rights Framework Project, National Lawyers Guild

289. Wooldy Edson Louidor, Coordinator, Foro Internacional de la Migración Haitiana en las Américas

290. Thomas Luce, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists

291. Paola Luisi, Executive Director, Families Belong Together

292. Esther Lumm, Co-Chair, Uncage & Reunite Families Coalition

293. Laura Lunn, Detention Program Managing Attorney, Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network

294. Michelle MacFadyen, Volunteer, Louisiana Advocates for Immigrants in Detention

295. Lisa Madison, Vice President of Distribution & Impact, Square Zero Films

296. Robert ‘Bob’ Maguire, Professor (retired) & Former Director of the Haiti Program, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University

297. Michelle Marrion, Filmmaker


298. Candace Martin, RN, BSN

299. John Marchese, Executive Director, Quixote Center

300. Fr. Jack Martin, President, Haiti Solidarity Network of the North East

301. Yuko Matsumoto, Refugee Rights Advocate/Paralegal, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant

302. Alma Maquitico, Co-Director, National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights

303. Abby Maxman, President and CEO, Oxfam America

304. Jessica Maxwell, Executive Director, Workers Center of Central New York

305. Maya Maxym, MD, PhD, FAAP, Leadership Council, Indivisible Hawaii

306. Yareliz Mendez-Zamora, TPS Coordinator, Florida Immigrant Coalition

307. Yaritza Mendez, Co-Director of Organizing, Make the Road New York

308. Ruth Messinger, Global Ambassador, American Jewish World Service

309. Sister Eileen McDonnell, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

310. Adam McGovern, Legislative Strategist, Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center

311. Marva Shand McIntosh, Founder, I Love to Listen Day

312. Eilis McCulloh, Board President, Akron Interfaith Immigration Advocates

313. Patrick McCann, Past national president, current vice-president chapter 032, Veterans For Peace

314. Carolyn Mellin, Managing Director, Summits Education

315. Gepsie Metellus, Sant La Haitian Neighborhood Center

316. Sarnia Michel

317. Melinda Miles, Coordinator, Haiti Response Coalition

318. Anne Marie Miller, Leadership, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

319. Mariana Miller-D’Alessandro, JPIC and Climate Care of Good Shepherd Church

320. Erna Milien, Esq., Founder, Milien Law Practice PLLC

321. Maurice Mitchell, National Director, Working Families Party

322. Abdi Mohamoud, Horn of Africa Community

323. Elora Mukherjee, Jerome L. Greene Clinical Professor of Law, Columbia Law School Immigrants’ Rights Clinic

324. Douglas Mundo, Executive Director, Multicultural Center of Marin

325. Venice P Mundle-Harvey, Owner, Venice Mundle-Harvey Inc.

326. Leo Murrieta, Director, Make the Road Nevada

327. Paul Andre Mondesir, CEO, Ciel Sur Terre

328. Michèle Montas, former Director, Radio Haiti

329. Avideh Moussavian, Legal Director, National Immigration Law Center

330. Marline Monestime, Executive Director, Haitian American Professionals Coalition, Inc.

331. Romina Montenegro, Florida Advocacy Coordinator, United We Dream

332. Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, President/CEO, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

333. Jenna Mullender

334. Owen Murphy, Business Representative (ret.), IUPAT Sign and Display Union


335. Juliana Macedo do Nascimento, Senior Advocacy Manager, United We Dream Network

336. Valerie Nash, Nash & Associates

337. Eskinder Negash, President and Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)

338. Anthony Ng, Dream Resource Center Director, UCLA Labor Center

339. Elizabeth Nguyen, Immigration Bond Coordinator, Community Justice Exchange

340. Nathan Nickerson RN, DrPH

341. Guerda Nicolas, University of Miami; School of Education

342. Robert Nicolas, Executive Director, AME-SADA, INC.

343. Cheryl Nichols, Coordinator of Accompaniment, Immigrant Support Group of St. Camillus Parish

344. Edward Nizalowski, Peace Action

345. Mary Novak, Executive Director, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

346. Shurland Oliver, Executive Director, Caribbean-American Education & Innovation Fund

347. Adriel D. Orozco, Executive Director, New Mexico Immigrant Law Center

348. Ana Ortega, Advocacy Strategist, Human Rights First

349. Maria G. Ortiz, Freedom Campaign Coordinator, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity

350. Tunde Osazua, Coordinator, U.S. Out of Africa Network

351. Marley Otto, Organizer, White People for Black Lives

352. Kelly Overton, Executive Director, Border Kindness

353. Tessa Painson, Director of Finance and Operations, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Inc.

354. Jose Palma, Coordinator, Comité TPS Massachusetts

355. Sarah Palmer, Law Clerk, Celedon Law

356. Alison Leal Parker, US Program Managing Director, Human Rights Watch

357. Myriam Paul

358. Genevieve Paul, Manager, Ministry of Reconciliation

359. Abraham Paulos, Deputy Director, Black Alliance for Just Immigration

360. Melissa Padberg

361. Priya Arvind Patel, Supervising Attorney, Centro Legal de la Raza

362. Glenda Pawsey, Co-Chair Mission and Justice Commission, St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Berkeley

363. Sharrona Pearl, Associate Professor, Drexel University

364. Maryse Pénette-Kedar, President, PRODEV Foundation

365. Margaret Perron, Religious of Jesus and Mary

366. Camilo Perez-Bustillo, Co-Founder, Witness at the Border, Coordinator, International Tribunal of Conscience of Peoples in Movement, and Co-Founder, Foro Migración Haitiana en las Américas

367. Marjean A. Perhot, Division Director, Refugee and Immigrant Services, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston

368. Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Senior Vice President, Union for Reform Judaism


369. Nicole Phillips, Legal Director, Haitian Bridge Alliance

370. Folake Phillips, Founder & Executive Director, AWO Center

371. Dr. Jemima Pierre, Coordinator – Haiti Team, Black Alliance for Peace

372. Raygnol Pierre, Policy Director, Haitian Catholic Church

373. Rosemonde Pierre-Louis, Chairperson, The Haitian Roundtable

374. Raoul Pierre-Louis, Executive Director, Fondation CERDEL

375. Ai-jen Poo, Executive Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance

376. Lynn A Powe, Chair of Social Justice Committee, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

377. Sony Prosper, Ph.D. Student, University of Michigan

378. Paul Anthony Pumphrey, Coordinating Committee Member, Black Alliance For Peace

379. Carol Sandy Przybylak, Secretary, Green Party of Erie County

380. Marithza Quiroz, African Advocacy Network

381. Ali Rahnama, Immigration Manager, Immigration and Refugee Program, Friends Committee on National Legislation

382. Kirsten Rambo, Executive Director, ASISTA Immigration Assistance

383. Nicole Elizabeth Ramos, Director, Border Rights Project, Al Otro Lado

384. Kate Ramsey, Associate Professor of History, University of Miami

385. Ninaj Raoul, Executive Director, Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees

386. Meryl Ranzer, Campaign & Media Coordinator, New Sanctuary Coalition

387. Michael D Ray, Former Southern Regional Vice President, National Lawyers Guild

388. Mosctha RD

389. Sofia Negrete Retamales, Community Organizer for Immigrant Rights, Comunidades Unidas

390. Carl Redwood, Project Director, Pittsburgh Black Worker Center

391. Anna Reeve, Education Consultant, Haiti

392. Daniel Registre, Pastor, Église Baptiste Mahanaïm.

393. John Reid, Haiti Twinning and Projects Coordinator, St. Mary’s Catholic Church Barnesville, MD

394. Pamela Resendiz, Executive Director, Colorado Jobs with Justice

395. Bliss Requa-Trautz, Executive Director, Arriba Las Vegas Worker Center

396. Micheline Rice-Maximin, Professor of Caribbean Literatures, Swarthmore College

397. Linda Rivas, Executive Director, Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center

398. Jess Morales Rocketto, Co-Chair, Families Belong Together

399. Alan E Roselius, Chair, Newman Hall Nonviolent Committee Holy Spirit Church Berkeley

400. Greisa Martinez Rosas, United We Dream Network

401. Jaja Robinson, Black Alliance for Peace

402. Mike de la Rocha, Co-founder, Revolve Impact

403. Elket Rodriguez, Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy and Missions Specialist, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship


404. Kyla Roland, Black Alliance for Peace

405. Phyllisia Ross, CEO, Phyllisia Ross Mizik LLC, Phyllisia Deleana Publishing LLC, Phyllisia Ross Trademarks LLC, Phyllisia Ross Copyrights LLC

406. Jesus Ruiz, Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University

407. Demeter Russafov, Executive Director, AMURT-Haiti

408. Jonathan Ryan, CEO & President, RAICES

409. Seydi Sarr, Executive Director, African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs

410. Rocio Saenz, Executive Vice President, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

411. Marie M. Saint Cyr, Advisor, Haitian Women Collective

412. Jean Eddy Saint-Paul, Professor of Sociology & Founder Haitian Studies Institute, CUNY Brooklyn College

413. Leslie Salgado, Chair, Friends of Latin America

414. Angelica Salas, Executive Director, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)

415. Felicia Samponaro, Director, The Sidewalk School

416. Xochitl G Sanchez, Organizer, Central American Resource Center-LA

417. Madeleine Sandefur, Angry Tias and Abuelas of the Rio Grande Valley

418. Rick Santos, President and Chief Executive Office, Church World Services

419. Seydi Sarr, Executive Director, African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs

420. Catherine Sarther, Board of Directors, Beyond Borders

421. Yael Schacher, Senior U.S. Advocate, Refugees International

422. Traci Schlesinger, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology, DePaul University

423. Ann Scholz, SSND, Associate Director for Social Mission, Leadership Conference of Women Religious

424. Mark Schuller, President, Haitian Studies Association

425. Todd Schulte, President,

426. Ghita Schwarz, Senior Staff Attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights

427. Mona Scott-Young, Chief Executive Officer, Monami Entertainment

428. Margaret Seiler, Volunteer, Witness at the Border

429. Peter Seidman, Activist, US Hands Off Cuba and Venezuela South Florida Coalition

430. Alyssa G. Sepinwall, Professor

431. Michelle Seyler, Executive Director, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice

432. Kimberly Serrano, Messaging Research Project Manager, California Immigrant Policy Center

433. Jennifer Sevilla, Director, Austin Border Relief

434. Katelin Sha, student, University of San Francisco

435. Silky Shah, Executive Director, Detention Watch Network

436. Tamara Shamir, Harvard College

437. Frank Sharry, Executive Director, America’s Voice

438. Kiel Shaub, Lecturer, University of California, Los Angeles

439. David M. Shaw, Black Alliance for Peace

440. Sirine Shebaya, Executive Director, National Immigration Project (NIP-NLG)


441. Audrey Shipp, Black Alliance for Peace

442. Dr. Kristina Shull, Assistant Professor of History, UNC Charlotte

443. Kaveena Singh, Attorney, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant

444. Erica Smiley, Executive Director, Jobs With Justice

445. Diane Jean Smith, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, LA

446. Greg Smith, Director of Independence and Learning Support, LUCHA Ministries, Inc.

447. Michael Smith, Director, Refugee Rights Program

448. Harold A. Solis, Deputy Legal Director, Make the Road New York

449. Barbara Peña Solis, RAICES, Associate Vice President of Advocacy

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